Now the word order of the phrase وَمَا يُضِلُّ بِهِ اِلَّا الْفَاسِقِينَ1. It is as follows:
Since the phrase 2 يضل به كثيرًا remained ambiguous,3 the listener's mind paid attention and scared; he asked, "Who are these people who go astray? What is the reason for their dhalâlah, and how can darkness come from the nûr of the Qur'an?"
The Qur'an answered: "Because they are fâsiqs; falling into dhalâlah is the punishment for their fisq. And because of fisq, nûr transforms into the fire for the fâsiq, and light transforms into darkness." Do you not see that sunlight rots and putrefies filthy matters?
As for the reason for the fâsiq being described in detail with their attributes in the phrase:
اَلَّذِينَ يَنْقُضُونَ عَهْدَ اللّٰهِ مِنْ بَعْدِ مِيثَاقِهِ وَ يَقْطَعُونَ مَا اَمَرَ اللّٰهُ بِهِ اَنْ يُوصَلَ وَ يُفْسِدُونَ فِي الْاَرْضِ4
It describes and discloses what fisq is. As for the fisq, it is a deviation from haqq, transgressing the limits, breaking the fortified shell and leaving it. Fisq is either ifrât or tafrît in the three powers (quwwa): quwwa al-aqliyyah5, quwwa al-ghadhabiyyah6 and quwwa ash-shahawiyyah7. While ifrât and tafrît are the causes of rebellion against the pieces of evidence, which are the covenants (al-'uhûd) of Allah that exist in fitrah.
Ifrât and tafrît are also two causes of sickness in personal life; the above âyah indicates this as the first attribute of fisq. They also incite rebellion in the face of social life and break the bonds and laws of society; the âyah indicates this as the second attribute of fisq. They are also the two causes of corruption and revolution that result in the corruption of the order of the earth; the âyah indicates this as the third attribute.
Yes, since fâsiq’s quwwa al-aqliyyah transgresses the limits of istiqâmah, he breaks the bonds of aqâid and smashes his eternal life that is his fortified shell, and through the transgression of quwwa al-ghadhabiyyah, he smashes the shell of social life, and through the transgression of quwwa ash-shahawiyyah, the power of animal appetites, he follows the desires of his nafs; therefore, compassion for his fellow man vanishes from his heart. He drags people with him to the swamp that he fell into and corrupts them, and he causes harm to mankind and corrupts the order of the earth.
The word order of the phrase اُولئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ8:
The Qur’an mentions the crimes of the fâsiq and scares them; it emphasises this intimidation and fear by threatening them with the consequences and punishments of their fisq to increase the effect of intimidation and fear. And it says, "They are the ones who lose by trading the âkhirah for this world and exchanging guidance for the desires of their nafs."
2 (He causes many to stray into dhalâlah…)
3 (Following is the explanation of this sentence in the Abdulkadir Badilli translation:
“That is, with the expression ‘He causes many to stray into dhalâlah,’ the Qur’an did not specify who, how, or for why people might stray into dhalâlah; the expression remained ambiguous.”) (Tr.)
4 (Those who break the covenant of Allah after accepting it, who sever what Allah has commanded to be maintained, and who spread corruption on earth.)
5 (The power of mind.) (Tr.)
6 (The predacious power of anger.) (Tr.)
7 (The power of animal appetites.) (Tr.)
8 (It is they who are the losers.)